Hi, I’m Kira DeDecker (“key-ra dee-decker”) and I’m a pet photographer serving Arizona’s greater Phoenix Metro area. Welcome to my blog! This is where I share not only my most recent work but also my life with you. Client sneak peeks, Facebook recaps, announcements, updates, awesome new offerings and the occasional (okay, frequent) story about my crazy but amazing life with my three dogs – Sox, Bixby and Waffles.
Pull up a chair and make sure it’s nice and comfy because you will want to stay awhile. It’s great to have you here!
Long before I adopted Peetie and Sox and gave in to a life devoted to dogs I had a brown and white cat named Spookys but she defected and adopted my older brother instead. Spooky now spends her days with my bearded older brother ruling his life with her tiny iron clad fist. Only a cat could make world domination adorable.
Petfinder. Adopt a kitty…if you dare.
How to pet a kitty comic. It’s funny because it’s true. Extra points because the cat in the comic is the same color as Spookys
Catster. Sometimes you just need a cat fix.
National Cat Guy Week. Enough said.
I Can Haz Chezburger?. The gold standard of cat photos and time wasting.
Get in Touch!
As Seen On...
Glendale, AZ
Heck yeah cute dog pictures! @kiradedeckerphoto
The List
The Daily Dog Tag 1,2,3,4,5,6
Hair of the Dog 1,2,3
Pretty Fluffy 1,2
Itty Bitty & Fluffy 1,2,
Healthy Paws
PAWSH Magazine & Studio
Joy Session 1,2,3
Beautiful Beasties 1,2,3,4
Kira DeDecker | info@kiradedecker.com | Arizona Pet Photography